Project course: spacecraft and instrumentation 2  

The following contents reflect the whole project within both courses P7013R and P7015R. Introduction to project work and evaluation of proposed space projects. Planning of the project. Preparation of documents for a Preliminary Design Review (PDR). Oral and written presentation of the Preliminary Design for clients of the project. Preparation of documents for a Critical Design Review (CDR). Oral and written presentation of the Critical Design for clients of the project. Definition and conduction of necessary testing. Realization of the project. Analysis and presentation of final results and a Final Report (FR). During the course of the project, gender equality issues shall be considered. Outcome: The student should acquire experience in project work in spacecraft or spacecraft instrumentation or related fields. After the course, the student shall be able to: 1. Show the ability to apply knowledge acquired in previous courses to project work. 2. Show understanding of project organization and project management. This shall be shown applying relevant tools such as time planning, resource utilization, project meetings, finances, reports and documentation of various kinds. 3. Assess the risks and issues that can occur in a project due to internal and external factors. The student shall show an understanding of different roles, gender equality and gender issues within project implementation and show insight into and ability to work in a group with heterogeneous composition.
Project course: spacecraft and instrumentation 2

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