Spacecraft on board datahandling  

Data handling system, hardware and software. On-board computers (CPU, memories, busses, interfaces), IO-units, telemetry and telecommand formats. Standards related to data-handling systems for space vehicles. SAVOIR. Basic programming of safety critical and real time systems. Basics in standards for software engineering, documentation, requirements engineering and specification, design analysis and specification, implementation on given hardware. Basics in UML. Software development environment. C-programming using a real-time operating system. Outcome: After completion of the course the student shall: 1. be able to describe common components of data handling systems for satellites and other space vehicles, and their relation, both functionally and implemented in hard- and software. 2. show an ability to design, analyze and critically evaluate different technical solutions for the data handling system for a given mission, and to present the designs and discussions in academic writing. This is shown by a written report presenting a basic design of the data handling system for a given simplified satellite mission or analysis of chosen designs. 3. show an ability to follow and document a software process model, from requirements specification to implementation, and following a professional practice by performing work in accordance with generally accepted practices, standards, and guidelines. This is shown in a group assignment, by applying the software process model on a given simplified software project from user requirements specification (where limited information is given at project start) to design and implementation, and including documentation according to standard, practice and guidelines.
Spacecraft on board datahandling

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