The student knows the formalism on non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The student can apply perturbation theory and other approximation methods to time-dependent perturbations and scattering problems in atomic, nuclear and condensed matter physics. The student understands the assumptions underlying different approximations and can estimate the range of validity of different approximation methods within the considered context. The student can couple three angular momenta, knows spherical tensor operators and can apply Wigner-Eckart theorem.
Time dependent perturbation theory, Fermi's Golden rule, sudden and adiabatic approximations.
Scattering theory: construction of Lippmann-Schwinger equation and its solution in Born approximation.
Scattering theory: partial wave method for spherically symmetric potentials, scattering resonances.
Coupling of angular momenta, spherical tensor operators and Wingner-Eckart theorem.
Path integral formulation of quantum mechanics