Particle physics experiments  

LEARNING OUTCOMES After the course, the student will... learn the basic principles of particle accelerators and their applications in other fields. understand the dynamics of particles in an accelerator. be able to apply the understanding to design a particle accelerator. learn the basic principles of particle detectors of high energy physics and their applications in other fields. understand the different types of particle detectors and their strengths and weaknesses as well as the synergy between them. be able to apply the understanding to design a high energy physics experiment. CONTENT Accelerators: Particle Accelerator History and Basics, Transverse Beam Dynamics and Accelerator Lattice, Longitudinal Beam Dynamics, Accelerating Cavities, Electron Dynamics, Imperfections & instabilities, Colliders & cooling, The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), Future colliders and accelerator applications. Experiments: Particle Detector History and Basics, Tracking and Particle Interaction with Matter, Gaseous charged particle detectors, Semiconductor charged particle detectors, Scintillation and Photon Detectors, Energy Measurement, Jet Reconstruction and Particle Flow, Calorimeters, Trigger and Data Acquisition, Detector Systems, The LHC experiments.
Particle physics experiments

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