Space applications of plasma physics  

LEARNING OUTCOMES You will obtain solid understanding of space physics, giving a good background in further studies and research in space plasma physics Knowledge of basic solar physics, e.g., the structure of the Sun, and how energy is generated and transferred You will obtain solid theoretical knowledge behind several key phenomena in space plasma physics, such as solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field, collisionless shocks, magnetospheric, and ionospheric physics You will obtain skills to analyse some key data sets related to course topics (such as magnetospheric physics behind the auroral displays) You will obtain solid physics-based understanding on how the solar structures affect the near-Earth dynamics, leading to space weather phenomena CONTENT The course contains an introduction to most important topics in space plasma physics: the Sun, solar wind, formation of the magnetosphere, ionosphere, magnetospheric dynamics, solar wind/magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, magnetospheres of other planets, and astrophysical plasmas.
Space applications of plasma physics

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