
Description: Brief description of the course: 1. Mathematics: boolean algebra, number theory, modular algebra, abstract algebra 2. Historical cryptography: Caesar cipher, Vigenere cipher, transposition cipher, Affine cipher, main crypto-analytic techniques 3. Theory of unbreakable (information-theoretically secure) ciphers: one-time pad, perfect secrecy, elements of probability theory 4. Symmetric cryptography: stream ciphers, block ciphers, modes of operation 5. Computability and Computational Complexity: Turing machine, computability, big O notation, Search-Decision problems 6. The problem of key establishment: Public Key Cryptography, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, Man in the middle attack 7. Limited Adversaries and Security: one-way functions, bit security, adversary models, security definitions 8. The RSA cryptosystem: Description, properties, and security 9. RSA Attacks and Implementation Failures: Description of several protocol weaknesses if the RSA is used in improper ways 10. Probabilistic Encryption. ElGamal-type Cryptosystems: Probabilistic vs Deterministic Encryption, IND-CPA, IND-CCA 11. Digital signatures and Hash functions: Definitions and security properties 12. Identification schemes and Zero Knowledge proofs. 13. Public Key infrastructure: certificates, ID-Card, Smart-ID, TLS 14. Introduction to Post-Quantum and Esoteric Cryptography Learning outcomes: After completing this course, the student: - accurately uses standard cryptographic notation and terminology; - accurately recalls and explains cryptographic definitions from the topics covered during the course; - explains and analyses the most important symmetric cryptography and public key cryptography schemes; - solves practical problems that illustrate the usage of cryptographic primitives studied during the course; - identifies the security problems that arise in case of incorrect instantiation of cryptographic primitives studied during the course; - applies basic security definitions to analyse cryptographic primitives studied during the course; - identifies cryptographic algorithms that are suitable to solve simple security goals.

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