Principles of environmental sciences  

Contents: This course offers students the opportunity of updating and extending their knowledge of the basic concepts of environmental sciences. Environmental problems in soil, water, and atmosphere are described and analysed. Attention is given to the socio-economic causes of these problems and their effects on organisms (including man) and ecosystems. The role science and technology can play in solving these problems is discussed, as is the role of interested actors such as government, business, environmental movement and individual citizens. In a case study, small groups of students analyse a specific environmental problem, write a report and present a paper. Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to: - demonstrate insight in the functioning of life/ecosystems and their response to changes in environment; - demonstrate insight in impacts of society on ecosystems and human beings; - demonstrate insight in possible technical solutions to environmental problems; - demonstrate insight in the role of social sciences in tackling environmental problems; - demonstrate insight in environmental awareness and environmental policy, and how they changed in time; - demonstrate insight in social causes of environmental problems, and their implications for environmental reform; - integrate and apply obtained knowledge by analyzing a particular environmental issue; - practice in determining one's own opinion on an environmental issue.
Principles of environmental sciences

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