Soft robotics  

Learning outcomes After completing the course, the student can: 1. define the application domain for soft robotics; 2. explain the relation of soft robotics to robotics, chemistry, and biology; 3. explain the defining concepts in soft robotics using relevant examples; 4. list, explain and compare the prevalent technologies in modern soft robotics; 5. critically read and elaborate on scientific texts on soft robotics. 6. list the particular advantages of soft robotics, using relevant examples, 7. explain the benefits of bioinspired design in relevant contexts; 8. Identify elements in nature that are relevant for soft robotics and formulate their core principles in terms of robotics technology; 9. apply the principles of soft (bioinspired) robotics by suggesting a new design in a practical setting; Brief description of content The course gives an introduction to soft robotics discipline, its relevant technologies, and its relation to nature in the context of bioinspired design.
Soft robotics

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