Land surface hydrology  

GEO4-4404 Land Surface Hydrology covers the hydrological processes that interact with streamflow over a range of scales. It considers the mechanism of runoff generation in light of atmosphere and land surface interactions. In addition, it considers changes in the travel time and storage as stream flow travels downstream along the drainage network (routing). All these phenomena manifest themselves in the hydrograph or discharge time series that traditionally forms the starting point of hydrological analysis. This course will impart the student with knowledge of the relevant physical processes and the implications thereof in the natural and built environment. It will also provide him/her with the capacity to analyze these processes quantitatively through a variety of models. At the end of the course, students will be able to: Characterize and quantify the hydrological processes that operate at various points and times within a catchment through measurements and modelling; Analyze total catchment behaviour by means of hydrograph separation and frequency analysis techniques; Perform simple river discharge routing and interpret the results of more complex schemes; Evaluate the consequences of errors and uncertainty in measurements and modelling of catchment hydrological behaviour; Interpret stream flow data for design and planning purposes. Content This course concentrates on land surface hydrology and the ways by which it is influenced by different environmental factors, including man. The course focuses on quantitative analyses, including modelling, and offers students an opportunity to improve their analytical skills and understanding of hydrology. The course content will be applied directly during practicals and in the individual assignment that the student has to complete over the duration of the course. This course will be taught on the basis of a textbook and a reader comprising the exercises, additional background materials and articles. Details are published in the course guide. Academic skills Once completed, the student Has obtained expertise in the field of understanding / modelling / simulation of key underlying processes in the field of study; Has obtained the ability to integrate / interpolate / extrapolate (incomplete) knowledge at a high level including information gathered from research-articles; Is able to think / develop / apply (partly) original ideas in a (semi) research context; Demonstrates skills for pursuing (advanced) research in a (sub) field.
Land surface hydrology

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