High-energy astrophysics  

Physical quantities and units used in high-energy Astrophysics. Observation techniques (detectors, Voltaire optics, aperture modulated telescopes). X-ray and gamma astronomy (development of techniques for recording and analysing satellite data). Electromagnetic processes in matter (Coulomb scattering, ionisation losses, braking radiation, thermal bremsstrahlung). Interaction of radiation with matter and magnetic field (Cherenkov radiation, Compton scattering, inverse Compton effect, synchrotron radiation, synchrotron absorption, synchrotron-self-compton radiation, formation of electron-positron pairs, positron and electron annihilation). Accretion disks (accretion efficiency for white dwarfs and neutron stars, accretion efficiency for black holes for Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics, accretion types, Eddington luminosity limit, black holes in X-ray binaries and AGN, thin accretion disks, thick accretion disks, powering the accretion disk, influence of the magnetic field on the accretion disk). Cosmic rays (composition of cosmic rays, energy spectrum, modulation of cosmic rays, chemical content of elements in cosmic rays, the highest energies of cosmic rays, Great Atmospheric Air Showers (electromagnetic and muon cascades), recording methods, observation projects, distribution of cosmic rays, energy density, Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cutoff). Neutrino astronomy (description of neutrino properties, astrophysical sources of neutrinos, detection of neutrinos, observations of solar neutrinos and the problem of their quantity, neutrino oscillations, other neutrino sources, cosmic rays and the Earth's atmosphere, supernova explosions (neutrino formation mechanism and observations), AGN – mechanisms of neutrino formation). Gamma-ray bursts (observation properties, determination of distances, burst formation sites, proposed models, observation of kilonova phenomena - detection of gravitational waves, distances, masses, detection of gamma rays).
High-energy astrophysics

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