Applied geomorphology and habitat  

This course deals with the geomorphological and geobiological characterization of benthic habitats, with an emphasis on marine benthic bioconstructions of the temperate Mediterranean Sea and the shallow water tropical reef environments. It focuses on field and remote observations of characteristic habitats and their multi-scale relationships with the associated abiotic components. Environmental issues, related to the role of habitat mapping and monitoring in marine ecosystem management, are explained and discussed using case histories. Laboratory activities will offer the students the opportunity to use traditional methods and techniques for mapping and modelling the distribution of marine benthic habitats. Introduction to biogeomorphology: interplay between organisms and geomorphology in submerged environments. Mediterranean marine bioconstructions: from the shallow shelf to the bathyal zone. Examples of bioconstructions from tropical reef environments. Applied submarine geomorphology for ecosystem-based management: the role of habitat mapping. Habitat mapping, characterization and classification. The use of surrogates in habitat mapping practice. Habitat suitability models. Habitat mapping and ecosystem-based management. Tutorials: Habitat mapping and habitat characterization techniques.
Applied geomorphology and habitat

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