Plasma physics  

• Basic concepts of plasmas • Single-particle motion in electric and magnetic fields • Plasmas as fluids, magnetohydrodynamics • Waves in plasmas (electrostatic, electromagnetic and acoustic waves) • Collisions, diffusion and resistivity • Equilibrium and stability, plasma instabilities • Plasma kinetic theory • Nonlinear effects (plasma sheaths, shock waves, solitons) • Special plasmas (ultracold plasmas, dusty plasmas, atmospheric-pressure plasmas) • Plasma engineering applications (semiconductor etching, surface treatment, spacecraft • propulsion, fusion energy). Final competences: 1. Have a thorough understanding of the important physical theories in the field of plasma physics. 2 Understand the role of plasmas in natural phenomena and technological applications. 3 Select and apply the proper models, methods and techniques to solve plasma physics 1 problems. 4 Conduct and understand simple experiments with plasmas and report on the experimental 1 findings, both orally and in writing.
Plasma physics

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