Computer science in geodesy  

Programing language classification: high level, low level (machine language). The basic paradigms of programming language: imperative (procedural, object-oriented) and declarative (functional, logic). The execution methods of programming languages: compiling, interpreting. Algorithms and forms of its implementation: flowcharts, pseudo-codes, code. Basic syntax structures of programming languages on the example of Python. Selected programming environments for the Python language (Jupyter Notebook, Spyder). Type of variable (built-in variables and standard variable type in Python). Basic methods for Python variables. Conditional statements (if/elif/else) and loops (for, while). Defining functions, passing arguments to the function. File operations (reading, writing). String formatting methods (f-string, format methods). Numpy library - numerical operations, selected algorithms of numerical methods and linear algebra. Matplotlib library - graphical presentation of numerical results. Introduction to object-oriented programming: definition of object classes, rules of inheritance. Syntax errors and exception handling (try/except, raise, assert). Expressions and operators of functional paradigm (lambda, map, filter, list comprehension). Python library managers and creating programming environments (pip, env, conda).
Computer science in geodesy

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