Space sector professional skills  

This module gives students the opportunity to develop professional skills relevant to the space sector. These include space project management, developing requirements, proposal writing in response to Invitations to Tender, CV preparation and other relevant transferable skills such as team-working. One-to-one access to space sector professionals, via seminars and workshops, provides students with a unique opportunity to network and gain insights that will support them in planning their own preferred career trajectory. The module provides a structured environment within which students develop their CV and cover letter, in consultation with the internship manager and other support services. Students are supported to seek out opportunities for their 3 month space sector internships in a timely and professional manner. Weekly seminars provide students with a breadth of knowledge of the current state of the art across the space sector from experts in the field. Learning Outcomes: On completion of this module, students should be able to: - reflect on career aspirations and critically assess their own strengths and weaknesses; - assess key areas of opportunity within the space sector through seminars and networking; - synthesise their expertise and career goals into a compelling and professional CV and cover letter; - research suitable internship opportunities and craft a compelling internship application; - identify key team-working skills and the attributes of successful teams; - analyse the role of the project manager in the space sector and the need for technical project management skills; - outline the space project life-cycle from Phases A to F and link to relevant European standards such as ECSS; - analyse and respond to an 'Invitation to Tender' by the European Space Agency, through practice in planning, structuring and writing a proposal according to best practice of prime contractors; - compose requirements using established industry and agency practice. Indicative Module Content: The content of this module is as follows: - 12 lectures and space sector seminars (Trimester 1) - 4 workshops (Trimester 2). The workshops address (i) Requirements; (ii) Teams; (iii) Space Project Management; (iv) Proposal Writing in Response to an ESA Invitation to Tender, with a feedback session.
Space sector professional skills

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).