Wind energy systems  

Your learning on this unit An overview of content The unit is split into two primary streams. The first stream provides an introduction to wind energy systems to instruct students on engineering considerations in wind energy across multiple disciplines. This is in addition to developing an understanding of commercial and political issues in wind energy. The second stream covers advanced modelling techniques, and balances developing a technical understanding of modelling methods commonly used in wind energy with a hands-on approach. How will students, personally, be different as a result of the unit This unit provides a pillar of sustainability, and how this relates to engineering. Students will learn about wind energy systems and will be expected to perform design of such systems for typical industrial design problems. This unit therefore takes a holistic approach to the development of next-generation engineers working in sustainability. Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of the unit the student should be able to: Recognise and discuss the engineering drivers that affect the design of wind energy systems; Explain how wind energy systems operate, and explain how the performance of a wind energy system is determined; Utilising modelling tools, analyse the performance and perform subsequent design of wind energy systems, while evaluating the applicability of these processes and tools.
Wind energy systems

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