
Geomatics is the name given to the combination of geographical information systems (GIS), remote sensing and Earth observation (EO), and spatial data acquisition, analysis and visualisation. These methods and technologies have become vitally important in environmental management, and are being increasingly used by scientists, governmental agencies, environmental NGOs and businesses. Geomatics enable us to view, question, understand, interpret, and visualize spatial datasets, and by explicitly considering space and location we can unravel underlying relationships, patterns, and trends that may not be apparent when using non-spatial analytical methods. Geomatics skills are highly sought in the job market, as they comprise a powerful suite of problem-solving and decision-making tools. You’ll be introduced to the basic concepts and principles of Geomatics, with emphasis on using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and EO (remote sensing). You‘ll also be introduced to essential methods for acquiring and analysing spatial data from varied sources, and learn how to interpret and report the results of these analyses.

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