Learning Outcomes
The module imparts the fundamentals of space technology. Space systems engineers need general knowledge in several technical and
programmatic subjects in space engineering. This knowledge allows them to classify their space projects with respect to the application
area, space history, space environment, possible orbits, launch vehicle options, and many other aspects. The module also introduces
software tools that are relevant to space engineers. The students will be able to use these tools and apply the skills in other modules and in
their careers.
After successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- identify and describe the critical elements of a space mission,
- name the key historic events and figures in space history,
- list and describe different areas of utilization of space,
- explain the challenges of the space environment for a space mission and propose solutions to overcome them,
- use scientific tools to perform numerical simulations and design space systems,
- use software tools to manage and document scientific work in a professional environment,
- explain the role and tasks of a space systems engineer,
- assess the complexity of a satellite mission,
- explain the characteristics of orbits, reference frames, and flight mechanics laws,
- calculate basic orbit maneuvers,
- explain the basic principles of rocketry and the main elements of a rocket engine,
- calculate basic parameters of a rocket (e.g. masses, thrust force, specific impulse, and velocities),
- explain the basic functional and structural layout of solid and liquid propellant launch vehicles,
- describe the systems and elements of launch vehicles,
- describe the procedures and logistics relevant to building and operating launchers (e.g. integration, tests, launch complex, launch
procedures, recovery).
Fundamentals of Space Technology 1 covers:
- History of spaceflight
- The utilization of space
- Engineering tools (e.g. MATLAB, CAD software, Git, GMAT)
- Numerical simulations
- Scientific documentation with LaTeX
- The space environment
- Human spaceflight
- Space systems engineering
- Complexity of satellite systems
- Reference coordinate frames
- Orbital mechanics
Fundamentals of Space Technology 2 covers:
- Rocketry
- Launch vehicles