### Working language
Português - Suitable for English-speaking students
### Goals
In this Curricular Unit it is intended that students acquire skills and knowledge within the scope of the computational development of new tools/applications in the areas of remote sensing and GIS. More specifically:
1. Know the graphical environment of the software to be used.
2. Use of GIS and Remote Sensing tools.
3. Acquire training on geospatial libraries and programming paradigms involved.
4. Automating algorithms for data processing and analysis.
### Learning outcomes and skills
During contact with the software and available tools, the student will be encouraged to know, explore and question the functioning of the software with the monitoring of the code presented in the python-_notebook_ and its implementation, contributing to the consolidation of knowledge; classes using software and script development will allow the student to finalize the creation of an application/tool, integrating all the concepts learned so far within the scope of the Curricular Unit.
### Working mode
In person
### Program
2. Exploration of spatial data modules: GDAL/OGR.
4. Introduction to QGIS software.
* Exploitation of remote sensing oriented tools integrated in QGIS.
* Semi automatic classification plugin.
* Orfeo-Toolbox.
* Introduction to PyQt4 library and QGIS API (qgis.gui and qgis.core).
* Official framework for creating applications in QGIS software.
* Importation of algorithms from the Processing Toolbox framework.
6. Introduction to GRASS-GIS software (vector and raster layers; layer properties; visualization of geospatial information; geprocessing; manipulation of multispectral images).
8. Introduction to processing SAR Image products with ESA-SNAP. Radiometric calibration, noise reduction with application of filters and multilook technique, geometric correction. Integration of the final product in GRASS-GIS for geospatial analysis.
### Mandatory Bibliography
Lawhead, J.; QGIS Python Programming Cookbook, 2015
Markus Neteler, Helena Mitasova; Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach, Springer, 2010
Gary Sherman; Desktop GIS: Mapping the Planet with Open Source Tools, Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2008
### Teaching methods and learning activities
Classes are taught with an essentially practical component and complemented with a theoretical context that will be presented in _the form of worksheets integrated between the different software_, where students follow the material interactively and implement it using the QGIS, GRASS software -GIS and ESA-SNAP.
Assessment is carried out at the end of the program with a practical exam where problems are posed and students must think/reflect and implement a solution. This assessment is carried out with the support of the interactive _notebook_ provided in class.
Practical exam – 100%
### Software
### Type of evaluation
Evaluation by final exam
### Assessment Components
Exam: 100.00%
**Total:**: 100.00%
### Occupation Components
Frequency of classes: 21.00 hours
Self-study: 60.00 hours
**Total:**: 81.00 hours
### Get Frequency
Frequency is obtained by taking a final exam.
### Final classification calculation formula
Final exam.
More information at: https://sigarra.up.pt/fcup/pt/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=479387