Electromagnetism and optics  

Prerequisites Differential and Integral Calculus I and II Objectives General: Quantitatively predict the consequences of a variety of physical phenomena with calculatory tools. Ensure advanced and thorough scientific training in a fundamental field of Physics, hence allowing for disciplinary or interdisciplinary approaches to innovation. Specific: Ability to understand and interconnect the concepts and basic principles of Electromagnetism and Optics, to understand how the history of how Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic field have emerged and the integrative perspective of Maxwell's equations; ability to apply the concepts of to problem solving, particularly in what concerns their technological applications. Program 1.Electrostatics: Coulomb's law; electrostatic field; superposition principle; field and potential; electric dipole; Gauss's law; capacity and capacitors; dielectrics and polarization; electroc energy. 2.Stationary electric current: current intensity and current density; equation for charge continuity; Ohm, Joule and Kirchhoff laws. 3.Magnetostatics: magnetic field; Biot-Savart and Ampère laws; Lorentz force; magnetic flux; induction coefficients and coils; magnetization (dia, para and ferromagnetism); magnetic energy. 4.Variable electromagnetic (e.m.) field and applications: induction and Faraday's law; electric transformers, motors and generators; displacement current; e.m. energy; RC, RL and RLC circuits. 5.Maxwell's equations and e.m. waves: monochromatic plane waves; wave energy and intensity. 6.Optics: e.m. character of light; dispersion, polarization, reflection, interference and diffraction; geometric optics, reflection and refraction; Fresnel equations and Fermat's principle. Evaluation Methodology 50% continuous assessment by Mini-tests (exclusively during class hours) [If an appropriate number of graders and/or teaching assistants is available, oral presentations and/or solution discussions can be considered] 50% Exam Cross-Competence Component The CU promotes, through exposure to its themes and practical problem solving, the skills of Critical and innovative thinking [Problem solving strategies, Strategic thinking, Critical thinking, Creativity] as well as Intrapersonal skills [Intrinsic motivation, Productivity and time management]. Interpersonal skills as Written communication and Information literacy in document structuring may weigh up to 5% in written assessments. Laboratorial Component None Programming and Computing Component None More information at: https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/cursos/lerc/disciplina-curricular/845953938490002
Electromagnetism and optics

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