Spherical trigonometry  

Τhe goal of course Spherical trigonometry is the renewal and replenishment secondary knowledge of trigonometry plane on the theoretical and practical knowledge of trigonometry spheres with particular emphasis on applications in geodesy and geoinformatics. Κnowledge of secondary school mathematics ( trigonometry) programs To know theoretical principals, procedures of computer processing and visualisation of surveying data. - To understand the mathematical methods and physical laws applied in geodesy and geoinformatics. To apply the knowledge in mathematics and physics for the purpose of recognizing, formulating and solving problems in the field of geodesy and geoinformatics. To plan the continuation of academic education in the field of geodesy and geoinformatics, or related disciplines, and to develop the lifelong learning attitude. --Define and distinguish spherical triangles - Solve the spherical triangle using the cosine rule for pages / corners and - Solve rectangular and quadrant spherical triangle - Apply Legend theorem for solving spherical triangles 1. Sphere (sphere), main circle. spherical distance 2. Spherical Triangle 3. Spherical triangle inequality. Spherical excesses 4. Gender. Spherical polar triangle. 5. The basic relationships between the spherical triangle. 6. Cosine rule (for pages, angles) spherical triangle. 7. Sine theorem. 8. 1 and 2 theorem of cotangent 9. Napier's rule 10. Troubleshooting spherical triangle with applications in geodesy and geoinformatics 11. Rectangular spherical triangle. Euler's theorem, 12. Resolving rectangular spherical triangle. 13. The difference between flat and spherical trigonometry. 14. Geographic (astronomical) coordinates. Spherical distance between two points on the earth (sphere) 15. Application of spherical trigonometry in geosciences
Spherical trigonometry

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