Business communication  

The course aims to improve our students’ communication skills both in relation to their colleagues and the members of the general public. The students are given an opportunity to learn the basic principles and practice of communication at work in geodetic company and institution. The course is also aimed at future engineers who want to make sense of communication in their everyday working lives i.e. to help in running a small business, to improve their efficiency at work, or to make the administrative side of their job easier and clearer. Understand the role of geodesy, geoinformatics and spatial data in modern world, demonstrate competences in measuring systems, methods and technologies of measurement and spatial data collection. Demonstrate competences in real estate registers and interests in real estates, understand land development measures and methods of land evaluation. Demonstrate competences in regulations and administrative framework important for geodesy and geoinformatics, the regulations related to copy right, publishing and exchange of spatial data. Use information technology in solving geodetic and geoinformation tasks. Communicate the results obtained by means of geodesy and geoinformation to clients and experts of geodetic and other related professions. Keep pace with and adopt new technological achievements in the field of surveying, geoinformation systems and services based on the position, and the changes in regulations, norms and standards. Take responsibility for continuing academic development in the field of geodesy and geoinformatics, or related disciplines, and for the development of interest in lifelong learning and further professional education
Business communication

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