Hydrographic survey  

The driving factor for this curriculum is bringing specifics and methods of survey on and under the water surface closer to students; preparation of students for conducting hydrographic survey projects, with special attention to processing and visualising bathymetric data; introducing students to maritime organisations in Croatia and the world. Learning outcomes 1. Definition of terms Hydrography, bathymetry, oceanography and marine geodesy as well as knowing basics of marinelaw and maritime domain 2. Knowing basics and specifics of marine cartography and classification of naval navigational maps 3. Explain the role of International Hydrographic organisation and Croatian Hydrographic institute as well as IHO specifications 4. Knowing naval positioning methods 5. Describe clasic and contemporary depth measurement methods and errors occurring during depth measurements 6. Defining the execution plan for hydrographic survey 7. Mastering the use of a singlebeam echosounder in combination with a GNSS receiver 8. Applying modern methods and techniques of hydrographic survey for production of simple analogue and digital plans, maps and similar
Hydrographic survey

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