Cosmic electrodynamics (1)  

Introduction (ionization, radiation, …), Criteria of plasma, (macroscopic neutrality, Debye shielding, plasma frequency), Plasma in the Universe (Sun, solar wind, ionosphere, magnetosphere), Plasmatic devices (tokamak, plasma propulsion, MHD generator), General properties of plasma, Motion of charged particle in uniform static magnetic field (gyration, helical motion, magnetic moment, magnetization current), Motion in uniform static electromagnetic field (plasma drift, cycloid, Hall current, gravitation field drift), Motion in nonuniform static electromagnetic field (Alfvén approximation, gradient, divergence and curvature terms, curvature and gradient drift, adiabatic invariants, magnetic mirror, tokamak), Motion in time-varying electromagnetic field (polarization drift, mobility dyad, cyclotron resonance, magnetic moment invariant, magnetic compression). Outcome: Understanding the basics of astrophysical plasma.
Cosmic electrodynamics (1)

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