Estonian for beginners I, on the basis of english, level 0 > a1.1  

The Estonian course will give the basic knowledge of the Estonian grammar and vocabulary. The main topics (vocabulary & conversation): * I; * Languages, Countries, Nations; * Favourites; * Numbers; * Time; * Food and Drink; * Family; * My day; * Tartu; The main topics (grammar): * Cases: Main Cases of Singular, Local Cases of Singular, Comitative and Abessive of Singular. Nominative Plural; * Personal Pronouns, Adjectives, Cardinal Numbers; * Present Tense, Imperfect (Simple Past); * Imperative Mood; * ma- and da- infinitive. Outcome: On completion of the course the students will be able * to understand and use Estonian cases, conjugate Estonian verbs in the present and past tenses, use the imperative, use adjectives and cardinal numbers. * to communicate in everyday situations in the street, in a shop, at a restaurant and socialize in a group, talk and write about her/himself, her/his family, home and eating habits, express (dis)approval. * to understand and create elementary-level oral and written texts.
Estonian for beginners I, on the basis of english, level 0 > a1.1

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