Cloud computing  

This course covers topics and technologies related to Cloud Computing and their practical implementations. The course is organized in four parts focising on: (i) Fundamental concepts and models of Cloud Computing; (ii) Cloud-enabling technologies: warehouse-scale machines, virtualization, and storage; (iii) Cloud application programming models and paradigms. (iv) Cloud resource orchestration, monitoring, and DevOps. The student will explore different architectural and service models of cloud computing, the concepts of virtualization, containerization, and cloud orchestration. Through lectures, tutorials, and laboratory sessions, the student will gain handson experience with various features of popular cloud platforms, such as Openstack, VMWare, Docker, and Kubernetes, as well as commercial offerings like Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Service. Advanced cloud programming paradigms such as Hadoop’s MapReduce and Microservices are also included in the course. Students will also learn the concept of modern Big Data analysis on cloud platforms using various data mining tools and techniques. The lab sessions will cover cloud application development and deployment, use of cloud storage, creation and configuration of virtual machines and data analysis on cloud using data mining tools. Different application scenarios from popular domains that leverage the cloud technologies such as online social networks will be explained. The theoretical knowledge, practical sessions and assignments aim to help students to build their skills to develop largescale industry standard applications using cloud platforms and tools. Outcome: Not Provided
Cloud computing

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