Digital signals processing in avionics equipment  

The subject's "Digital Processing of Signals avionic devices” purpose is to introduce students to digital signal processing key trends and theoretical foundations. The subject discusses application of digital processing algorithms to aircraft navigation and radiolocation systems. Outcome: The student knows digital signal processing, the trends and digital processing advantages. - Final examination question. The student knows mathematical signal processing techniques, is able to use them to solve practical problems. - Independent work, practical work and final examination question. The student knows digital filter synthesis techniques, is able to display filter circuit and the impulse response of the filter transmission functions. - Practical work and final examination question. The student knows digital aircraft radio navigation system advantages, is able to analyze a system of functional circuitry. - Practical work and final examination question. The student knows digital signal processing tasks and methods of radiolocation systems, is able to analyze appropriate system algorithms and signal processing techniques advantages. - Practical work and final examination question.
Digital signals processing in avionics equipment

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