Parametric modelling of mechanical objects  

The course provides an in-depth understanding of the capabilities of parametric modelling software using Autodesk Inventor Professional. The design tasks of typical elements and mechanisms of aviation technics provide an in-depth understanding of the development and editing of parametric sketches, the complex assembly of complex kinematics mechanisms, their development and the study of the dynamics and strength of their elements. Outcome: Knows the structure, principles of operation, kinematics and dynamics of important mechanisms and components of aviation equipment. - Practical tasks. Control work. Exam. Able to develop the details and assembly of the mechanism based on the calculation results. - Practical tasks. Control work. Exam. Able to calculate the strength of the mechanism elements by the finite element method. - Practical tasks. Control work. Exam. Able to perform computer simulation of mechanism dynamics. - Practical tasks. Control work. Exam. Able to apply the capabilities of modern software products to solve specific object modeling tasks - Practical tasks. Exam.
Parametric modelling of mechanical objects

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