Practical placement  

During the practice, the design of the documentation of the aircraft and its equipment, the agenda and specifics of the technical staff of the aircraft and its equipment must be mastered. The acquired theoretical knowledge should be strengthened in practice. The practice takes place according to the individual work plan. Outcome: Is able to adapt to internships in the company, perform assigned duties, work both individually and in a team. - Practical work. Evaluation of the practice manager. Evaluation of the practice coordinator. Is able to practically use the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired at the university, is able to successfully acquire and use new knowledge and technologies. - Practical work. Evaluation of the practice manager. Evaluation of the practice coordinator. Understands technical documentation and is able to use tools and hardware. - Practical work. Evaluation of the practice manager. Evaluation of the practice coordinator. Is able to create a qualitative description of the task assigned during the internship. - Practical work. Evaluation of the practice manager. Evaluation of the practice coordinator. Is able to critically evaluate the acquired knowledge and skills and publicly defend the results of his/her work. - Public defense.
Practical placement

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