Moot court competition  

The course ‘moot court competition’ offers students training in research, analysis, legal writing, and pleading skills through participation in a moot court (litigation) simulation. Students are asked to analyse an air law or space law case, taking the role of either claimant (appellant) or defendant (respondent). Students are expected to identify the legal issues arising on the given set of facts, locate the relevant law and apply the law to the facts given to argue for the claimant or defendant. Students are required to draft written submissions and prepare oral pleadings, which will be given before a panel of judges. Students will learn to present well-structured arguments, both in writing and verbally. Four different moot courts are offered for participation: International Air Law Moot Court (Public air law) Internal Haarlem Moot Court (Private air law) Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Internal Space Law Moot Court Outcome: Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: Write a well-structured and reasoned brief on a specific air law or space law related question; and Present their arguments and answer questions in a clear and convincing way before a panel of judges.
Moot court competition

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