Finance and procurement of aerospace activities  

The course aims to provide students with knowledge of topics falling under financial services and procurement regimes of both air and space activities. Lectures on aircraft financing cover the Geneva Convention, the Cape Town Convention including the aircraft protocol and, financial transactions pertaining to aircraft and aircraft parts, aircraft leasing and aircraft repossession. For space activities topics include space insurance, risk, and liability, contracting and procurement in space, the UNIDROIT Space Protocol and dispute settlement. Outcome: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: Identify and understand the key issues arising in the areas of finance and procurement of aerospace activities; Know the most important case law regarding aircraft finance; Explain the rules and their applicability to aircraft financing and procurement regimes in space activities; Analyse and adress various legal issues pertaining to finance and procurement of aerospace activities; Apply legal rules to problem scenarios and to solve practical case studies; and Undertake an individual research project in finance and procurement of aerospace activities.
Finance and procurement of aerospace activities

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