Cloud platform and services for big data  

Cloud Platform and Services for Big Data is a specialized course for the students of the specialty "Big Data Analytics". It considers the capabilities and challenges of computing distributed component-based and service-oriented architectures, cloud-based services and cloudware, application programming interfaces, taxonomy and cloud-based platforms, application development and integration technologies, data centers and cloud computing, specific aspects such as computational load balance, distributed transactions, authentication and authorization. Another focus is the design and implementation of portals for the provision of services through containers of portlets as well as the implementation of workflows. The theoretical part covers modern cloud service platforms worldwide, as well as methods and tools for the development and integration of enterprise cloud applications. The practical part includes developing applications, designing and implementing portals with workflows of services. Open-source cloud computing environments, as well as RESTFul Web services, are used to develop effective applications. Outcome: Not Provided
Cloud platform and services for big data

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