Space scientific projects  

The projects are defined by a Professor (Assistant, Associate, Full) of the ISM which is also acting as the supervisor. The topics should cover problems from all domains of the ISM, such as for instance space engineering, space informatics, space business and finance or space entrepreneurship. The project might comprise theoretical and practical parts and could also be done in teams of students (up to a maximum of 3 students, where each student should work on an own dedicated part of the project). Students are required to analyse the problem, to do literature studies, to develop a solution and to summarize the solution in a final report (size minimum 15.000 words). In addition, the results will be presented in a common seminar for all projects. Outcome: Having taken this course students will be able to Analyse and solve a given scientific problem related to the space domain Plan, organize and conduct project work comprising theoretical and practical parts Distribute tasks and aggregate results if the project is done in a team Write a project report and present results
Space scientific projects

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