Aerial surveys and drone operations  

This module is taught within three broad areas. The first (i) introduces the key concepts of passive airborne surveys, including image capture methodologies, navigation and sensor technology and photogrammetric principles. A second area (ii) introduces the students to an active airborne survey technique, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and the potential complementary capabilities of this technology for different environments. The final component (iii) demonstrates the opportunities provided by drones as a new airborne survey platform, encompassing hardware, datasets, flight planning and operational restrictions. The module is a combination of theoretical and practical based sessions using both commercial and open source software. Lecture Topics include; Applications of Aerial Surveys; Historical Development of Photogrammetry; Global Navigation Satellite Systems and Inertial Measurement Units; Determining Camera Interior and Exterior Orientation; Orthophotography and Image Distortions; Collinearity equations; Aerial triangulation; Bundle block adjustment; Structure from motion; LiDAR survey platforms; Types of laser scanner; LiDAR accuracy and errors; LiDAR processing and filtering; Sensor calibration and performance; Point cloud classification; Generation of DEMs and DSMs; Drone Operations and Restrictions; Planning Aerial Survey Campaigns; Drone hardware and datasets. Outcome: On successful completion of the module, students should be able to: Describe the theoretical principles underpinning the use of photogrammetry for data provision. Identify and suggest methods to remove distortions from aerial images. Critically compare typical outputs of aerial hardware for different environments. Apply different processing techniques to create DSMs, DEMs, point clouds and orthophotgraphy. Contrast satellite and inertial navigational aids for image registration. Appreciate the importance of proper flight planning in aerial survey campaigns. Detail the restrictions and regulations for drone operations in Ireland.
Aerial surveys and drone operations

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