Principles and practice of remote sensing  

Description The module will provide an introduction to the basic concepts and principles of remote sensing. It will include 3 components: i) radiometric principles underlying remote sensing: electromagnetic radiation; basic laws of electromagnetic radiation; absorption, reflection and emission; atmospheric effects; radiation interactions with the surface, radiative transfer; ii) assumptions and trade-offs for particular applications: orbital mechanics and choices; spatial, spectral, temporal, angular and radiometric resolution; data pre-processing; scanners; iii) time- resolved remote sensing including: RADAR principles; the RADAR equation; RADAR resolution; phase information and SAR interferometry; LIDAR remote sensing, the LIDAR equation and applications. The course aims to: Provide knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts, principles and applications of remote sensing, particularly the electromagnetic spectrum – what it is, how it is measured, and what it tells us; Provide examples of applications of principles to a variety of topics in remote sensing, particularly related to climate and environment Develop a detailed understanding of the fundamental trade-offs in the design and applications of remote sensing tools: spatial, spectral, orbital etc. Introduce new technologies, missions and opportunities, including ground-based sensing, lidar at multiple scales, radar, UAVs, new science and commercial missions, open data and the tools that are emerging to exploit these opportunities; Introduce the principles of the radiative transfer problem that underpins most remote sensing measurements and how it is modelled and solved; applications of radiative transfer modelling to terrestrial vegetation; Introduce students to wider remote sensing organisations, policy and careers through invited seminars from professionals in the field, including former RSEM students. Sessions . Introduction to remote sensing Radiation principles, EM spectrum, blackbody EM spectrum terms, definitions and concepts Radiative transfer principles and assumptions Spatial, spectral resolution and sampling Pre-processing chain, ground segment, radiometric resolution, scanners; poster discussion Active remote sensing: LIDAR – principles and applications Active remote sensing: RADAR –principles and applications New missions and technologies including LIDAR, UAVs, Copernicus etc. Application discussions around assessed posters
Principles and practice of remote sensing

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).