Applied electrotechnics  

Learning outcomes of the course unit: By completing the course the student will gain basic knowledge of the analysis of simple linear electrical circuits (EO) with stationary, sinusoidal and non-harmonic periodic circuit quantities (voltages and currents) in steady as well as in transient state. Based on the acquired knowledge, the student will be able to calculate circuit quantities for a particular circuit. The students will also get in touch with the circuits with distributed parameters and their use in cosmic engineering technology. Successful completion of the course is therefore an essential basis for understanding the subject matter, which is the content of subjects dealing with space communications. Course Contents: Basic concepts and laws in electrical engineering. Ideal and real elements of electrical circuits, equivalent circuits of real elements. The concept of technical source, connecting of sources, maximum power transfer from source to load, efficiency. Harmonic (sinusoidal) voltages and currents, complex representation of circuit quantities, phasor, complex impedance. Methods for solving linear circuits in harmonic steady state. Energy, work and power of electric current. Non-sinusoidal circuit quantities. Fourier series. Analysis of circuits with non-sinusoidal quantities. Transients in electrical circuits. Circuits with distributed parameters. Homogeneous transmission lines, characteristic (wave) impedance. Complex load matching methods. Narrowband adaptations, wideband matching. Fundamentals of electric and magnetic field. Introduction to electromagnetic field theory. Electromagnetic compatibility of electrical devices.
Applied electrotechnics

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