Propulsion systems  

Learning outcomes of the course unit: Student will be able to mathematically describe physical processes in different types of rocket propulsion systems. He will be able to analyze chemical rocket propulsion systems from the viewpoint of thermodynamics and fluid flow in engines and motors. Student will be able to analyze the performance characteristics of rocket engines with different input parameters as well as in different ambient conditions. Student will be able to analyze the physical parameters of the working fluid using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Student will gain knowledge of the design of various types of electric rocket propulsion as well as their deployment in different types of space systems. Course Contents: Classification of different types of rocket propulsion systems. Chemical rocket propulsion (overview, main types and uses). Basic flow equations and thermodynamics of gases. Isoentropic flow and nozzle flow. Performance characteristics of chemical rocket engines (according to individual types). Rocket engines for liquid and solid fuel. CFD simulation. Electromagnetic rocket propulsion (overview, main types and uses). Physical principles of operation and reasons for the use of electromagnetic propulsion systems. Performance characteristics of electromagnetic rocket motors (according to individual types). Main structural elements of electromagnetic rocket motors. Examples of practical use of electromagnetic drive systems.
Propulsion systems

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