Physics of semiconductor devices  

LEARNING OUTCOMES After the course, the student will… Understand the significance of semiconductor devices in modern society; Understand the physical grounds of the operation of semiconductor devices: Understand the meaning of atomic bonds, crystal structure, crystal defects, energy bands, electrical defect states, charge carriers, charge carrier transport, optical properties, recombination, Fermi distribution, donors, acceptors, mobility, lifetime, drift and diffusion, and resistivity in semiconductor material. Understand the concepts of heterostructures, nanostructures and graphene in semiconductor devices; Understands and is able to explain the operational principle of semiconductor pn-diode; Understand the principle of Light-to-Electricity conversion and can explain the operational principles of photoconductors, photodiodes and solar cells; Understand the principle of Electricity-to- Light conversion and can explain the operational principles of scintillators, LEDs and Lasers; Understand the principle of transistors and can explain the operational principles of bipolar transistor and MOSFET; Understand the principles of semiconductor processing; CONTENT 1. Physics behind the operation of semiconductor devices, 2. Operational principles of various semiconductor devices.
Physics of semiconductor devices

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