Laboratory course on instrumentation  

LEARNING OUTCOMES After the laboratory course the student will be able to: work in a scientific laboratory environment taking into account strict safety rules such as caution for high-voltages, gases, chemicals, delicate instruments, and radiation safety, know the physics of radiation detectors (introductory level), construct a gas-filled radiation detector starting from simple everyday materials such as aluminum beverage can and nuts and bolts, operate radiation detectors and data acquisition systems using typical laboratory equipment, such as source-meter-unit, radiation sources, gas piping, preamplifier, linear amplifier, multi-channel analyzer, and oscilloscope, write scientifically high quality laboratory reports. CONTENT Laboratory exercises will provide the students with hands-on & minds-on training about working in laboratory environment and about radiation detector technologies. The work will include gas detectors and detector read-out systems.
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Laboratory course on instrumentation

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