Numerical methods in scientific computing  

LEARNING OUTCOMES You will learn to know the most common numerical methods and algorithms You will understand the strenghts and weaknesses of these algorithms You will be able to apply these algorithms using self-made programs numerical libraries numerical programs. CONTENT Tools, computing environment in Kumpula, visualization Basics of numerics: floating point numbers, error sources Linear algebra: equations, decompositions, eigenvalue problems Nonlinear equations: bisection, secant, Newton Interpolation: polynomes, splines, Bezier curves Numerical integration: trapeziodal, Romberg, Gauss Function minimization: Newton, conjugate gradient, stochastic methods Generation of random numbers: linear congruential, shift register, non-uniform random numbers Statistical description of data: probability distributions, comparison of data sets Modeling of data: linear and nonlinear fitting Fourier and wavelet transformations: fast Fourier transform, discreet wavelet transform, applications Differential equations: ordinary and partial differential equations
Numerical methods in scientific computing

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