Numerical modeling fundamentals  

LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE UNIT The graduate is able to: - understand principles of selected optimization techniques and choose appropriate method for selected problem, formulate the fitness functon, - understand principles of basic numerical methods, - use these methods for simulation and design of various structures. . COURSE CURRICULUM 1. Optimalization - basics, optimality conditions, aggregation methods, gradient methods 2. Optimalization - global single-objective methods 3. Optimalization - global multi-objective methods 4. Numerical differentiation and integration 5. Finite elements method 6. Finite differences method 7. Simulation of electromagnetic phenomena 8. Microwave lines and antennas 9. Simulation of mechanic phenomena 10. Elasticity, strength, stress 11. Simulation of thermal phenomena 12. Multi-physics modeling - MEMS 13. Multi-physics modeling - thermal effects of EM fields AIMS The subject aims to learn students about tools of numerical analysis for modeling and design of microwave circuits and mechanical structures. Obtained knowledge will be applied to design these structures with the help of CAD modeling.
Numerical modeling fundamentals

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