
Description of qualifications Since the discovery in 1995 of the first extra solar planet in orbit around a solar like star, this research field has exploded. The aim of the present course is to provide an overview of the knowledge we have gained over the last 25 years and the techniques used to obtain this knowledge. When the course is finished the student is expected to be able to: Describe the content and background of a number of methods and techniques used in the search for exoplanets. Describe and discuss the background for and content of theoretical models describing the structure of exoplanets. Estimate the possibilities and limitations which characterize the exoplanet research activities and explain the reasons for the limitations of the used methods. Describe the main results obtained within the exoplanet research field and compare the results obtained using the different search techniques. Discuss the future expectations for the exoplanet research activities. Describe and evaluate the contents of the research papers discussed in the course. Contents In short, the course content will include: Orbital dynamics Solar System - Planet formation Exoplanet search & characterization techniques Exoplanet demographics & exoplanet system architectures Gas giant & terrestrial planet structures and their atmospheres Introduction into astrobiology Current and future instrumentation

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