Dynamics of solids and fluids  

This course provides students with an understanding of basic concepts and mathematical solutions of fluid and solid dynamics with applications to atmosphere, oceans and the Solid Earth, preparing them for in-depth study of processes in specific Earth components. Students will learn how to derive the governing equations of fluid dynamics and solid dynamics, to explain how these are applied and simplified for flow and solid dynamics in the atmosphere, ocean and the solid Earth. Students will also carry out exercises as group assignments using python notebooks and model codes that exemplify simple models built on these governing equations. After completing this module, students will be able to: Distinguish flows and deformation in different parts of the Earth system (atmosphere, ocean and solid Earth). Perform dimensional analysis of flows in different media and explain appropriate approximations to the equation of motion. Characterise and derive the physical equations that underlie advection, diffusion, convection, conduction, elasticity, brittle and ductile deformation, and consider their application in models of Earth System components. Apply the physical equations to examples of flow and deformation in different media using python notebooks. Analyse and compare the behaviour of flow and deformation phenomena in the Earth System using simple python models.
Dynamics of solids and fluids

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