Climate change, hydrology, and the cryosphere  

Course goals After successfully completing this course, the student will: have an in-depth overview of the functioning of the hydrological cycle and the cryosphere as part of the climate system; have attained knowledge about the impact of climate change and climate variability on terrestrial hydrological fluxes such as precipitation, evaporation, glacier and snow melt and river runoff; have attained knowledge about the interaction between hydrological states and fluxes and the climate system, including feedbacks related to groundwater, soil moisture, ice and snow; appreciate the many sources of uncertainty in climate change projections that are caused from an incomplete description of terrestrial hydrological cycle and are acquainted with examples of running debates and controversies. Please note: This course will be taught compressed in a 5-weeks full time format (week 22 up and until week 27) Content The course consists of a set of lectures, in which a separate subject is treated by an expert. The course outline is divided in three main blocks: the climate system, fundamentals of the atmosphere, cryosphere and the hydrosphere and climate change impacts. 1.The climate system An overview of the global climate system The role of the hydrological cycle in the climate system 2.Fundamentals of atmosphere, cryosphere and the hydrosphere Measurements and physics of precipitation Measurements and physics of evaporation Principles of the atmospheric boundary layer Climate, soil moisture and groundwater feedbacks Mountain meteorology Snow hydrology Physics of glaciers 3.Climate change impacts Climate model and downscaling Dynamics of glaciers, ice sheets and global sea-level rise The intensification of the hydrological cycle Climate change impacts on mountain hydrology In addition, there will be hands-on exercises and case study work to get familiar with commonly used tools, methods and key concepts. There are three short hands-on exercises of half day each. The topics of the hands-on exercises are: Climate change impacts on snow and glaciers part I: downscaling Climate change impacts on snow and glaciers part II: snow Climate change impacts on snow and glaciers part III: glaciers The final part of the course will be to develop a short movie in groups. the movie is focused on "raising climate awareness for the broad public" using material from the course. You will first participate in a masterclass by a professional moviemaker.
Climate change, hydrology, and the cryosphere

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).