Climate physics  

This module is aimed at students with an interest in the field of applied meteorologym such as wind and solar energy prediction or climate impacts on land use), and students interested in the design, analysis and assessment of weather and climate models. After completing this module, students will be able to: 1. Explain the physics and dynamics of the transport of energy, water and momentum between the surface, the atmospheric boundary layer and the broader atmospheric circulation 2. Apply simplified models of turbulence and energy and water exchange, including convection and clouds 3. Reflect on the parameterization and coupling of atmospheric processes in general circulation models and their role in current uncertainties in climate prediction 4. Analyse climate simulations for the purpose of process understanding as well as assessment of climate change impacts and mitigation/adaptation policies 5. Assess the influence of land-atmosphere coupling, turbulence, convection and clouds on large-scale circulations (weather) and climate. 6. Hypothesize how land-atmosphere coupling, turbulence and convection and clouds are influenced by changes in weather and climate
Climate physics

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