Programming in python  

Contents: Programming plays an important role in many domains. In business and science writing or adapting computer programs to process, analyse and visualize data in a suitable format has become common practice. This course aims to help students to understand the underlying principles of programming and equip them with basic skills to create computer programs. The programming language Python serves broad application domains. Furthermore, Python is the most commonly used programming language in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The course also gives an introduction to libraries of available components, and how to use these for building your own programs. Note: The course in P5 is primarily for MSc students starting in Feb from programmes that include our course as a RO. Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to: - create a computer program based on a given basic algorithm expressed in plain English; - adapt and combine standard algorithms to solve a given problem; - apply standard programming constructs for a given goal: repetition, selection, functions, composition, modules, aggregated data (arrays, lists, etc.), object-oriented concepts; - explain what a given piece of programming code (in Python) does; - detect and repair coding errors in a given piece of programming code; - use existing libraries taught during the course in programs, e.g., for data manipulation and visualization (Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib).
Programming in python

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