Multivariate mathematics applied  

Contents: linear algebra: matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors; complex numbers; ordinary differential equations: separation of variables and variation of constants; systems of linear differential equations; systems of non-linear differential equations and classification of steady states; numerical methods for ordinary differential equations: difference quotients and the Euler method; systems of differential equations; trapezoidal rule and Runge-Kutta; discretization errors; error propagation, stability and stiffness; integration in two or three dimensions: limits of integration; coordinate systems and the Jacobian; introduction to partial differential equations: flow models, diffusion and convection; boundary and initial conditions; steady states; vector fields: flow fields and force fields; the gradient and the laws of Fick, Fourier and Darcy; the potential function; divergence and the Laplace operator; Fourier series for partial differential equations: separation of variables and the Sturm-Liouville problem; boundary value problems and Fourier series; use of computer software. Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to: explain and apply concepts, methods and techniques from linear algebra, calculus, vector calculus and numerical mathematics; apply mathematical knowledge, insights and methods to solve problems in the technological sciences using a systematic approach; critically reflect upon the results; correctly report mathematical reasoning and argumentation; interpret and evaluate the results in terms of the (physical, chemical, biological) problem that was modelled mathematically; use mathematical software (Maple) in elaborating mathematical models.
Multivariate mathematics applied

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