Chemical processes in soil, water, atmosphere  

Contents: The lectures and tutorials will cover the major chemical processes in Soil, Water, and Atmosphere in six themes. These themes are: chemical composition and speciation of natural aqueous solutions (week 1); mineral-water interactions: Dissolution & precipitation (week 2); sediment-water interactions (week 3); solid-solution interfaces: Particles, surfaces & adsorption (week 4); troposphere chemistry (week 5); cloud formation & chemistry (week 6). The themes are quantitatively approached and exercised in the tutorials. Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to: recognize the role of chemistry in processes acting in soil, water, and atmosphere; describe, explain, and quantify by calculations the following major chemical processes in practical applications (under simplified conditions): aqueous equilibrium speciation, mineral solubility equilibria, adsorption (regulating the behavior of minor components), redox processes in water-sediment systems, equilibrium and dynamic processes regulating the composition of the atmosphere.
Chemical processes in soil, water, atmosphere

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