Water quality  

Contents: This advanced course provides a critical overview of the processes and quantitative process descriptions that are essential to understanding surface water quality and systems analysis of aquatic systems. Chemical and physical processes are emphasized and treated in the context of policy and risk assessment developments. Six themes will be treated: - advanced aquatic chemistry; - transport and exchange processes; - fate and bio-magnification of micro-pollutants; - nutrient behaviour and algal nuisance; - basic water quality modelling; - oceans and plastic pollution. Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to quantify and critically evaluate the importance of physical, chemical and biological processes in freshwater and marine aquatic (eco)systems, such as chemical reactions in lakes and rivers, solute transport, sedimentation and re-suspension, gas-water exchange, sediment-water exchange, adsorption and bioaccumulation, oligotrophication and eutrophication, nutrient behaviour and retention, C-, N-, and P- behaviour in aquatic systems, light climate and algal growth, carbonate and aragonite formation, marine geochemistry, ocean acidification and plastic pollution.
Water quality

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