
After completing the module students will be able to: General: Identify open issues in the processing and/or interpretation of Earth system data records based on the outcomes of the lab project and design a development roadmap to address them. Present analyses, interpretations and conclusions, as well as ethical implications, of the Lab and Fieldwork projects in a clear and convincing manner, both orally and written. Energy Transition and Geohazards Lab + Theory Define and solve a research topic related to the Energy Transition or Geohazards challenge. Analyse Earth system processes through a combination of data, observations and model outputs (geophysical data, subsurface data, petrophysical data, and monitoring data). Extract subsurface characteristics and evaluate the options and limitations of data types for present-day and future societal challenges in Energy Transition or Geohazards. Present analyses, interpretations and conclusions, as well as ethical implications, of the Lab project in a clearly written and convincing manner. Fieldwork: Design and execute a fieldwork campaign appropriate for the Earth system processes and/or applications to be studied. [ILO B,C,H,J] Describe, identify and measure sedimentary heterogeneities, faults, fractures, folds, and 2D rock property trends at different scales (10-1 to 103m) and qualitatively predict their architecture and their potential impact on dynamic behaviour. Link field observations of rock property trends at different sub-seismic scales to geophysical data and include the impact of scale to model uncertainty. Extract subsurface characteristics and evaluate the options and limitations of data types for present-day and future societal challenges in Energy Transition and Geohazards. Present analyses, interpretations and conclusions of the Fieldlab project in a clearly written and convincing manner. Contribute to a project as a team player and to the overall project management.

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