Climate remote sensing  

In this module, students will learn how to process, invert, and combine data, including those of different spatial/temporal resolutions. Moreover, they will learn how a proper data weighting can be implemented in order to optimize results of data combination. Using data provided by satellite altimetry and satellite gravimetry missions as an example, students will be able to produce state-of-the-art estimates of large-scale mass change in various Earth system compartments, such as the melting of glaciers and ice sheets, climate-driven variability in river basin water storage, and depletion of groundwater stocks. Study Goals After completing this module, students will be able to: 1. Design a scheme for level-2 satellite gravimetry and satellite altimetry data processing, taking into account data uncertainties 2. Design stand-alone and joint inversion schemes that take into account stochastic models of data errors, as well as possible inconsistencies between datasets 3. Assimilate data into a simple numerical model and assess the added value of data assimilation 4. Apply stand-alone and joint inversion schemes to quantify and separate processes at different time scales in the context of cryosphere, ocean, or hydrology 5. Summarize and defend the findings of a conducted study of selected Earth system processes
Climate remote sensing

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